Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

I think that this book was a good fantasy read. But there was too much description, not enough action and a fair amount of dialogue. As it was a long book and had small text, it got extremely boring. However, at some points it got exciting.
In the book, there are short stabs of action but I personally need long slashes of action like in Eragon, by Christopher Paolini, this is a very good book!!! Recommend it to anyone above the age of 10 because it does get quite hard going in parts. But it’s really good.
Paolini’s quote was wrong. It should be the other way round. Paolini is true fantasy.

I would recommend this book to those of 12 and over because it’s quite complicated and the text is small. Younger children won’t stand a few pages.

But it’s al right!!!!

By JP Yr 9

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